About The Sign

MAR 14 – APR 13

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If Aquarius is from another dimension, they are perhaps from another galaxy or universe. That pretty face that glows like a bulb most of the time is no shallow person, quite the contrary they are deeper than the Mariana’s Trench, which even they are oblivious to most of the time.
Can be quite Moody like their friendly cancer. At times their creative pursuits can outshine the beauty of a Libran and Taurus, depending on how their Venus is placed in their charts. The best person to have around if you are having a bad day, who would sprinkle some fairy dust and lift your spirits up.
Too fickle they call them, too brittle they name them. Their overbearing light self can be the biggest hurdle in their own way if they lose sight of their own shadows.
Dear Piscean, please remember whilst you ride the high horse focusing only on the macro bigger pictures of life, allow a Virgo to keep your attention grounded in the little micro things in life that make up the bigger picture.
Moto of life
Only a life lived in service to a Higher consciousness is worthy of my core existence.

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