A seer of sorts
A weaver of notes
A connector of your soul journey’s dots


Through Astrology Tarot Angels Crystal Healing

Tarot, Angel & Astrology Reader hh


The constellation under which the sun passes through on your date of birth gets defined as your Sun sign.
Come let’s find out what their traits are in general.

1. These dates are based on Vedic Astrology calculations and NOT Western.
2. The below dates are subject to 1 day change due to leap year adjustments and yearly changes in solar cycles if any.


APR 14 - MAY 14


 MAY 15 - JUNE 14


 JUNE 15 - JUL 15


JUL 16 - AUG 16


AUG 17 - SEP 16


SEP 17 - OCT 16


OCT 17 - NOV 15


 NOV 16 - DEC 15


DEC 16 - JAN 13


JAN 14 - FEB 11/12


FEB 12/13 - MAR 13


 MAR 14 - APR 13

Let's Traverse Through The Chessboard of Your Life

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born 

As a professional Astrology , Tarot and Angel Card Reader, I use my cards and intuition as a conduit to help people acquire deeper insights into how the chessboard of their life and it’s players are placed and operating in the paradigm of space and time matrix we all live in.

This then forms the key foundation for individuals to make more self-aware and conscious life choices.

Thus enabling them to align and rise up to the optimum capacity of their soul’s blueprint.

Kayomus Kamakhan

Our Services


Astrology gives us a clear picture of the web matrix of space and time in which chessboard of  your life and their players are strategically placed, as well as the current energy patterns that you are and will be facing in the future.

Thus enabling me to help you make more self aware choices with respect to all areas of your life and help you strategize a winning chess game of your life.



Tarot signifies and focuses more on the current flow of your personal will energy through the present web matrix of space and time. 

Thus enabling me to guide you towards the next appropriate direction of your soul's path and/or a possible solution for the same, as you navigate your soul's journey through the above said matrix.


Whether we believe/know it or not, all of us are  blessed with our very own, personal Guardian angel on a mental, emotional and physical level each to enable us walk our higher soul's journey on earth, awaiting for us only to call upon them to guide and protect us when we need it the most dire.

My sincere endeavour is only to be of service to them as a conduit medium of their messages for you.


What Our Clients Say


Accurate Predictions

It’s been 5 years since you told me something big will happen in my personal life exactly when I’ll
be 25. I did not just believe you at first but also ignored it fully until now. When I was 25, it did
happen exactly the way you told me it would happen. I am currently very happy in my life and truly
believe you of everything you said back then. I appreciate the work you do. It surely helps and
supports people like me in distress to see and trust in our future completely.


Effective Problem Solving
Some few individuals are the ones who are blessed with the ability to understand the nuances of how the universe works on a level beyond than the physical. Kayomaz is one of those blessed individuals.

He is super intuitive and has the ability to understand the need of the moment. He will guide you to frame your thoughts to seek clarity, dissect them till the root issue is identified. Once the issue is identified, he will then recommend how can you deal with the issue in a way that is not just benifits you as an individual but benifits every aspect of your life.

What Our Clients Say

Some people are godsend in life. When you are at your lowest and you try to find ways of escaping altogether they hold you by hand and show you the way. Kayo is that person for me. He met me at a point where everything seemed lost and nothing had meaning anymore. But after having one conversation with him I found hope. He had many amazing breakthroughs which my therapist of 2 years did not manage to have. It seemed as if he had known me for a long time. And speaking to him felt like speaking to your high school best friend with whom you have not spoken in ages. It was refreshing, exhilarating and most importantly liberating. I was always a sceptic when it came to believing in higher power. But this person showed me not only a glimpse but also a way to achieve connection with your higher self. Kayo gave me many things, a lot of life lessons and advice which were not only insightful but also very helpful. But the most important thing that he gave me was hope. And for that I am forever grateful.
- Om
Hi Kayomas! I have had a crazy few months. I just want to say that I am grateful to you for being such a great help when we first spoke. You gave me something that has systematically worked for me and my close relatives. Each time a new revelation happens or when the turn of events comes as a pleasant surprise, I think of you and the good my session with you has been doing to me. Thank you so so much. I hope we speak again soon. God bless you!
- Anonymous
It’s been 5 years since you told me something big will happen in my personal life exactly when I’ll be 25. I did not just believe you at first but also ignored it fully until now. When I was 25, it did happen exactly the way you told me it would happen. I am currently very happy in my life and truly believe you of everything you said back then. I appreciate the work you do. It surely helps and supports people like me in distress to see and trust in our future completely.
- Anonymous
Kayo, my karmic reader and a sweet friend who’s always been there to guide and advice. Dates back to the time when he had just started practising and was just learning the art. Told me something to be careful of and yes , I took the advice. That one simple advice has helped me grow multiple folds. Has helped me manage some tough situations at work and otherwise too. Recently a few things told about my personal life have just eased me out and without me saying anything I had the problem and its solution kept for me. I must say, if you want some advice and reading done, reach out to this guy. I guarantee he will help you solve it or atleast give you a harmless remedy. Above all, he always helps one believe in themselves and that’s simply amazing.
- Anonymous

Years Of Exp




Happy Clients



Sacred Sun

fulfillment, harmony

Essoteric Moon

reflection, reckoning

Earth Snake

doubt, self loathing

Sacred Diamond

Richness, Spiritual

Night Moon

sadness, illusions

Find Out Your Future

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