About The Sign

AUG 17 – SEP 16

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
The King of all signs, Royalty of sorts who loves to be enthroned and adorned all the time.
To have a Leo by your side is to never have a sunset at the horizon of your life, they signify the very fabric from which life force energy beacons.
Hence they can be the source of everything that signifies life, joy and mirth at every place they stand.
Oh did I tell you, no other sun sign enjoys being romanced, pampered, given loads of attention to and limelight like Leo.
Ego is their biggest vice, all the good they do can be resented upon if the Leo lacks humility.
Seek the councel of an Aquarian if you must to transform your excessive sense of pride to a humbled sense of self which can be beautifully used as a beacon of inspiration for all others.
Moto of life
There is nothing greater to life than self respect and to live it like there are infinite tomorrows.

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