
What I do

Spirit Healing Counselling Therapy Using :


Astrology gives a us a clear picture of the web matrix of space and time in which chessboard of  your life and their players are strategically placed, as well as the current energy patterns that you are and will be facing in the future.

Thus enabling me to help you make more self aware choices with respect to all areas of your life and help you strategise a winning chess game of your life.

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  • With Ascendent
  • In 24 Hours
  • 30 Days Money Back
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Tarot signifies and focuses more on the current flow of your personal will energy through the present web matrix of space and time.

Thus enabling me to guide you towards the next appropriate direction of your soul’s path and/or a possible solution for the same, as you navigate your soul’s journey through the above said matrix.

  • Personalized
  • With Ascendent
  • In 24 Hours
  • 30 Days Money Back
  • App Available
  • Other Feature


Weather we believe/know it or not, all of us are  blessed with our very own, personal Guardian angel on a mental, emotional and physical level each to enable us walk our higher soul’s journey on earth, awaiting for us only to call upon them to guide and protect us when we need it the most dire.

My sincere endeavour is only to be of service to them as a conduit medium of their messages for you.

  • Personalized
  • With Ascendent
  • In 24 Hours
  • 30 Days Money Back
  • App Available
  • Other Feature

Other Services

Palm Readings

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Magic Rituals

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Tarot Readings

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As a professional Astrologer, Tarot reader and Angel Card reader. I use these mediums as conduits to help people gain insights into their situations and how it is affecting the chessboard of your life. My readings are based on an in-depth analysis of the person’s birth chart and tarot cards, as well as the angel cards that are drawn for them. After which a SWOT analysis(strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) of the same is done, to help you make more self aware choice in the direction that your souls blueprint would manifest in its optimum capacity


Warm Greetings My Fellow Co-Traveller of Life,

I am Kayomus, a conduit medium to the divination tools of Astrology, Tarot and Angel cards.

As we understood above in detail what Astrology and Tarot are all about, together both help me create a Magical SWOT analysis ( strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) for your personal chessboard of life and all the variables that affect them in general and specific to any particular area of life like
Spiritual Journey etc. 
as well as with respect to any present issue at hand if any.

Thus enabling me to help you make a fully aware choice after my thorough analysis and evaluation of your Birth Chart and Tarot readings together; after taking into account all the factors and variables governing the decision making of any present issue at hand with respect to all above mentioned areas of life, that you seek councel for.

Hence eloquently steering your life towards a direction that your soul’s blue print would manifest at its optimum capacity.

Approach about The Methods Implied in the Reading session

Astrology and tarot like all other divination mediums were originally crafted for the purpose of helping one steer their own direction of life through self awareness, leading them towards their respective self growth journey that one’s soul has taken birth to embark on.

Also it helps one understand how space and time operates, thus making predictive counselling a by-product of the said conduit mediums as well.

However, I have come to realise over years of reading charts of people from varied walks of life, that predictive readings cannot always supersede the infinite potential of a human freewill. 

Hence, my approach is inclined more towards directive guidances than predictive.

I strongly believe and have lived my life  in this Quote by Alexandra K.
‘The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don’t tell you what to see.’

Based on the same, I quote my own –
‘The best readers are those who lead you to self awareness by showing you the direction to look towards and
let the super power of human free will steer the choices of their lives.’